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Defective Car Parts
Have you been in a car accident that was caused by poor manufacturing or auto defects? Often, an accident that occurs from what seems like coincidence or bad luck is actually caused by negligent manufacturing or poor-quality auto parts. A case evaluation from a car accident lawyer may reveal if you have the right to pursue a monetary settlement because of this or any other common car accident causes. More about Car Accident Lawyer San Antonio here
If you believe an auto defect caused the accident you were involved in, or someone you love has experienced such an accident, call our office today. A car accident attorney can assess the details of your case.
Why Do Auto Defects Cause Accidents?
A large number of accident cases have turned out to be the result of auto defects. Many of the causes of the following accident are avoidable because they are considered a driver’s responsibility.
Balding tires
Improperly inflated tires
Poor wheel alignment
Not changing the oil or other fluids
Burned out or broken front or rear lights
Worn brake pads and rotors
Incorrectly connected battery
Cheaper parts fitted during at-home repairs to keep costs to a minimum
While the above problems may be the result of the owner’s maintenance negligence, occasionally a defect in the actual manufacturing of the car is found to be the cause of the problem. Examples of scenarios when car manufacturers could be at fault include:
Failure of brakes
Electrical faults
Hoods springing open during transit
Poorly fitted parts during a garage repair
High rollover probability
Gas leak or other hazards
Gas tanks designed in vulnerable positions
Tips on how to avoid a car accident caused by these types of defects include:
Proper and timely maintenance of your vehicle
Checking oil levels before long journeys
Regular tire pressure checks
Avoid having cheaper, unreliable parts installed to save money
Ensure tire tread is within high standards at all times
How Can Our Attorney Help You?
Even if you adhere to these basic safety points you still might have an accident caused by auto defects. Sometimes it is unavoidable and completely unforeseeable. If your car is regularly maintained and yet an accident occurred because of a faulty car part, you could be entitled to compensation. Many victims of this type of accident do not realize they could be awarded a financial settlement.
Like any other accident caused by negligent drivers, such as reckless driving or texting and driving, auto defect accidents should be carefully evaluated and taken seriously. It is possible to be a victim of bad tires or poor quality parts. The cause of these accidents may not be directly attributable to a specific individual. However, corporations and other business entities are treated as persons under the law and therefore are held responsible for negligent decisions. If you have suffered from this type of accident, you may benefit from contacting a car accident attorney and having your case evaluated.
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